Jersey Roaches – The Best Dubia Roaches You Can Get

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Dubia Roaches (Blabtica dubia) are the most nutritious feeder insect available. They contain 30% – 40% protein, have a much higher meat-to-shell ratio than crickets, and have softer shells than most other roach species. And Jersey Roaches are the most nutritious Dubias you can buy! They're fed a variety of fresh, high-quality foods daily, to ensure that they're loaded with the right balance of proteins, vitamins and minerals that your pets need for optimum health.

In addition, Dubias are convenient. They're long-lived, they're quiet and odor-free. They're easy to handle. They don't jump, fly, or bite, and are slow-moving. They can't climb smooth surfaces. They are a tropical species, which means that due to their need for high heat and humidity, they can't reproduce if they get loose in your house (unless you live in a tropical climate, which is why we cannot ship to Florida). Jersey Roaches offers a wide range of size options, so you can be sure you're getting exactly the right sized feeder insect, no matter how large or small your pet is!

In short, Dubias are the ideal feeder insect for all insect-eating animals, and Jersey Roaches offers the best Dubias you can get!