About Jersey Roaches

Jersey Roaches was founded in 2015 by a New Jersey science teacher who started with a humble colony of 50 Blaptica dubia in her classroom. The colony was begun as an educational feature that doubled as a food source for other classroom pets. Students enjoyed watching these fascinating insects, and some even got up the courage to handle the roaches. These adventurous children were the ones who volunteered to feed the various lizards and amphibians who also live in the classroom.

The more this science teacher learned about the habits and care involved with dubia roaches, the more appealing they became. They are so much easier to keep and handle than crickets, in addition to being a better food source for all insect-loving animals! This little colony quickly outgrew its home in a ten gallon aquarium. So it was divided, leaving a small colony in the classroom and the majority of the population in a large bin at home. These insects proved to be as fascinating to observe, study and care for at home. They continued to thrive and multiply as they were faithfully and lovingly cared for. This was the beginning of Jersey Roaches!

Jersey Roaches is the only source of Dubia Roaches in New Jersey. Although we ship to most of the continental United States (except Florida), if you are located in New Jersey or in any of the nearby states, your Dubias will have a short journey from the source to you!

If you have any questions about Dubia Roaches, or about us, please don't hesitate to contact us:

Email: sales@jerseyroaches.com

Phone: 201-650-1284

Facebook: http://facebook.com/jerseyroaches